lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Investigador dice que los OVNIS vigilan las armas nucleares

Cuatro décadas de investigación ovni han convencido a Robert Hastings que no estamos solos. Y Hastings calcula que de los más de 120 ex militares de EE.UU. que ha entrevistado, un 75 por ciento se siente de la misma manera.

por Dave Olson, INFORUM
Robert Hastings

Hastings hablará de sus investigaciones a las 7 pm del miércoles en el salón auditorio del campus de la Universidad Estatal de Minnesota Moorhead.

Gran parte de su investigación explora los incidentes relacionados con ovnis en las instalaciones de armas nucleares y en las instalaciones de investigación.

En una entrevista telefónica, citó un relato de su libro "OVNIs y armas nucleares: encuentros extraordinarios en sitios de armas nucleares", que contó con el testimonio de David Schuur, quien trabajaba en un ala de misiles estratégicos de la Fuerza Aérea de los EE.UU. en Minot, Dakota del Norte, en la década de 1960.
Schuur le contó a Hastings sobre un objeto que fue visto en el cielo por encima de un número de silos de misiles Minuteman.

Cuando el objeto voló sobre los silos, las consolas electrónicas en el centro de control de lanzamientos comenzaron a actuar extrañamente.

En un momento, le dijo Hastings a Schuur, él y otros miembros del personal tuvieron que golpear el interruptor "inhibir" porque los indicadores de "lanzamiento en progreso" habían sido activados inexplicablemente.

Cuando el objeto volador desapareció, las consolas se restablecieron a la normalidad, dijo Schuur.

Sobre la base de esta entrevista y de otras como esta, Hastings dijo que ha llegado a creer que la Tierra ha estado bajo vigilancia desde el comienzo de la carrera armamentista nuclear en la década de 1940.

Ya sea para salvar a los seres humanos de sí mismos o para prevenir la contaminación nuclear interplanetaria, Hastings dijo algo sobre la manipulación periódica de los arsenales nucleares del mundo, enviando un mensaje a Washington y Moscú de "que están jugando con fuego."

Los funcionarios gubernamentales, tanto en el oeste como en el este, saben lo que está sucediendo, pero desde su perspectiva no hay nada que ganar manteniendo al público en secreto, dijo Hastings.

Cita a un ex funcionario de la CIA llamado Victor Marchetti, quien sostiene que los gobiernos tienen miedo de que tales revelaciones pudieran encender la chispa.

"Su (la de Marchetti) visión como oficial profesional de inteligencia fue que, si el que está piloteando estas naves no es hostil ... su sola presencia aquí podría producir cambios impredecibles en la sociedad humana", dijo Hastings.

"Si de repente usted tiene esta influencia sofisticada, externa y no humana sobre la situación mundial en general ... aquello sólo puede crear posibles alteraciones sobre el status quo," dijo.

Modificado por orbitaceromendoza

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Sir or Ma'am,

    In reference to Robert Hastings, he says a lot of things, many of which can't stand up to careful examination. His and Robert Salas' claims for the past 15 years regarding a centerpiece of his "UFOs and Nukes" lectures is one of those cases. His discussions of Robert Salas' claims involving asserted experiences during the alleged UFO events at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight in March 1967 fail to take into account the widely known facts of Salas' very poor credibility and his numerous, proven lies to the public regarding this matter. There were no UFOs involved at Echo Flight at all, and the incident at Oscar Flight never even happened. The men who have spread these lies, primarily Robert Salas and Robert Hastings, have done so for their own benefit, and they have proven to be both dishonest and wrong on numerous occasions in numerous ways. I would recommend that if you are truly interested in knowing what actually occurred at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 you go to the following URLs, where you can download at no cost the book and supporting articles discussing the case:

    I would also recommend that you examine the numerous interviews and articles at the Reality Uncovered website: -- seven of the top nine articles all discuss the events at Echo Flight in March 1967, and include interviews with both the commander and the deputy commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967 when the missiles were taken offline by an electronic noise pulse.

    A lot of information regarding this incident can also be found at the Reality Uncovered forum, in particular the Echo Flight Incident thread:

    Tim Hebert, an ex-USAF missileer himself, has also written some enlightening articles regarding the case on his blog at:

    Dr. David Clarke, for many years an accepted expert regarding the British military forces' investigations of the UFO phenomenon for many years, has also discussed this case in the context of the "UFO and Nukes" connection asserted by author Robert Hastings. You can read his article on the subject at

    The lies currently being spread by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas have not merely been shown to be full of irresponsible interpretations of the actual events, they have been repeatedly proven to be lies contrary to both witness testimony and documented evidence. There is no doubt whatsoever that they created this case for their own benefit, and that none of the "incidents" they have described actually took place. There were no UFOs involved -- it is a lie, another silly UFO hoax, and nothing more.

    Witnesses that both men have presented to the public have actually come forward to dispute the claims these men have made. They insist that their statements were taken out of context and distorted purposely in order to suggest the presence of UFOs where no such presence could otherwise be established. Salas and Hastings have perpetrated a UFO hoax of the worst sort, and have attempted to destroy the reputations and career service of better men than themselves, all to sell their books and enable them to charge outrageous prices for their public speaking tours, lectures, and videos.

    As for other possible UFO cases, while I may personally doubt that alien spacecraft were involved, I really have no educated opinion to offer. Frankly, I don't know very much about other cases, and would never, for that reason, venture to put forth my own opinions as more viable than another's.

    Thank you,
    James Carlson
    Albuquerque, NM
